It's been a long and difficult journey over these past three years. There have been many ups and downs. There have been times where self-doubt and cynicism have overcome any glimmer of faith and hope. It has not been easy.
There have been many failures, and just enough victories to keep us going. But we kept our heads down and continued to pursue our goal.
The days were long and the nights were often sleepless. But all the hard work finally paid off.
Last night, we won the Brewskeeball Mug Tournament!
(What? You thought I was talking about law school?!)
Big numbers were put up all night on Championship Sunday. |
Lane 1 (left) was more kind to us than Lane 2 (right) thoughout the night. |
"Balls Quiet on the Western Front" intently watches the final roll. |
"Johnny Haze" of "Skeenut Butter and Jelly Time" needed to put up a 480 to tie in the final roll, a 490 to win. |
The victors embrace. |
Both teams embrace, embodying the essence of SKEE (Spirit, Kinship, Esteem, and Excellence). |
The dream realized. Skeeson XII Champs. |
"Gene Parmesan" tasting victory. |
World record chug by "The Cautious Rancher." |
"Old Balls" had the dual task of drinking both his beer and his own tears. |
The best photo. |
We might vomit. |
In the upcoming weeks, when law school is over, I intend to write a detailed history (historskee?) of our love affair with skeeball - from our humble beginnings to our rise to prominence.
Furthermore, my financer (mother) is flying me out to New York over Memorial Day weekend to both cover and participate in the Brewskeeball National Championship in New York.
Cant wait to see you Memorial day weekend, we are leaving town Friday but will be around Thursday night!! Again, our apartment is yours to stay in if you want!